
Hi, my name is Duarte and I am a lifelong sports fan.

That pretty much sums it up, even if I’m also a born and bred portuguese “blogger”, a fanatical S.L. Benfica fan and a passionate Pittsburgh Penguins supporter. However, rest assured, this is not a blog about those two.

So, generally, what can you expect from this “Wheeling a round puck” thing?

As it is suggested up there, I’ll be writing about sports, focusing, obviously, on my favorite ones. You can count on a healthy dose of cycling, a not so healthy portion of ice hockey related content, some stuff about tennis and football, and sprinkles of basketball, alpine skiing, swimming… .

I’ll try to preview and/or analyse the big competitions happening all year round, share some of the knowledge I accumulated over countless hours spent in front of the tv screen or laptop, and deliver some good content.

Oh, as you can infer from this text, I’ll be writing in English, therefore I apologize right away for the occasional portuguese-centered posts. Furthermore, If you browse the archives, you may find some NHL content written in portuguese for news website Modalidades.com.pt that I relayed here.

Thanks for reading and hope you’ll enjoy the time spent here.


  1. Looking forward to reading your views on all things sporting – there isn’t a sport on earth I don’t love watching, and have followed some of them all over the world…

    Although I don’t really like cricket. That’s about the only one.

    Thanks for signing up to my World Cup blog!!

    Benfica to Brazil: THE BOOK!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Doron,

      I read about you some months ago when i saw you were touring the World Cup on a Benfica shirt and was happy to find your blog.

      Your journey was (and is) a fascinating one and i look forward to keep track of your adventures.

      Thanks for following and be aware that i don’t like cricket either 🙂


  2. D.Duarte!

    You are a wise, wise man to avoid cricket…

    If you or any of your readers want to hear the full story of my travels around the world following sports the last fifteen years, (and especially my attempts to visit the Europa, Champions League, World Cup Finals, and any final featuring Benfica this year, you can come and visit the book project I launched this week!



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